The tomato flavor is between sweet and acidic, a particularity given by the presence of organic acids and simple sugars. It is important to note that it can be consumed in multiple ways.
Vitamin A improves our vision, helps protect our eyes from degenerative diseases or night blindness.
Tomato contains iron, a very healthy mineral for the good state of the blood, as well as vitamin K that helps control clotting. In this way the tomato helps prevent cardiovascular disease.
Having great antioxidant properties, it is a natural anti-aging remedy and a great ally for the care of our skin, hair and teeth.
Its fiber content that cares for intestinal transit and prevents the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases.
Tomato contains potassium and low sodium levels, which helps prevent fluid retention and toxin removal. It is a powerful antioxidant that cares for our body.
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